Friday, August 16, 2013

Daddy's Girl: Your Love Letter From Daddy

Dearest Ensley, Your beautiful mother started this blog for you about a year ago as a gift to you. She is much better than I am at writing and getting things done. My goal for you is to write you a letter once a year after your birthday. So here it is my precious little girl. Dearest Ensley, Words cannot express enough how I feel about you. It all started when your mother and I tried and tried to have a little baby. When I found out that you were going to be coming into this world I was working at school selling tickets at one of Norte Vista’s home football games. Your mom sent me a text message with a picture of a pregnancy test on it showing that we were going to have a baby. I was beyond excited; it brought tears to my eyes knowing I was going to be a father. I will never forget that day. We didn’t know yet that we were having a little girl but I was excited. Deep down inside I was hoping that you were going to be a little girl and it turns out you were. That takes us to the day we found out that you were a girl. I still watch the video to this day from time to time and of course get tears in my eyes. We found out on Christmas day that you were going to be a little girl, for me it could be a television commercial the only other things that makes that day great is that your Auntie is dressed in a pair of bunny PJ’s. So for the next 6 months I eagerly anticipated your arrival. One of my biggest joys before your arrival was constructing your room from the endless colors of paint we tried to Coach Nichols helping me put the chair rail up it was an adventure that in the end provide me great joy it was my first gift to you. We also searched for day trying to find the perfect furniture for you which we had to put together ourselves. We built you crib outside of your room and when we went to put it in it was too big, so daddy has to take off the front and put it back together again when we got half of it into your room. These are just some of the crazy and amazing things that happened before you even came into our lives. Arrival I will never forget the events of this day, May 7th, 2012. It all started at 5am when daddy woke up to go to work. He rolled over and noticed that mommy was not in bed and then he overheard her talking to the nurse on the phone. Mommy came into the room and then said that the Dr. wanted her to come in. Mommy insisted that daddy go to work because she thought it was not big deal but daddy said no I will go with you. We got to the hospital and the nurses made mommy comfortable and they confirmed that she was going into labor. You were coming and we were excited. You mommy was so amazing on this day; she is such a tough and incredible woman. It was a running joke that since daddy hates needles that if mommy had to have a C-section that daddy would pass out. I knew that the excitement of seeing you would prevent me from falling flat on my face, daddy knew he had to be strong for mommy and you. They took mommy away first and I had to put on scrubs and wait until they came for me and when they did they rushed me over to your mommy. Your mommy has never looked as beautiful as she did on this day; well she was pretty hot on our wedding day too. I sat looking at mommy for about 15 minutes while they did the final touches on her C-section and then you arrived. They wouldn’t let me stand up to see you because you wouldn’t take your first breath right away, mommy and I like to say you have been stubborn from the start. After they got you all squared away we went back to the room where we first started. This is another fond memory I have; it was just you and I for about 40 minutes you looked at me like I have never been looked at before beside by your mommy. Your stare into my eyes was intense and deep your little hand grabbed my finger and squeezed from that moment on I knew we had a bond and that you were special. I will never forget those first moments with you with all the emotions from excitement to pure terror were running through my body. We have had many moments together from the start, I got the chance to change your first diaper and boy was that an experience and I got to help give you your first bath. Rest of the Story of Year 1 It had been crazy how fast your first year has gone by. All parents say this but I feel like it was just yesterday that we were bringing you home. Now you walk, talk a little, understand us (even though you don’t always listen), and you make us smile every single day. This summer has really made daddy thing about the future. Daddy has always worked and worked hard since he was about 18 years old but this summer you mommy gets to spend all this amazing time with you. I want you to know that I work only to make a better life for you and your future. I look forward to the summers, starting next summer if mommy can stand daddy being around that much, that we get to explore the world together as you continue to learn, grow, and develop. It’s amazing how fast and how much you change every week. You have kept mommy and daddy guessing during your whole first year. Often times I feel silly because I don’t know the answers to all the questions we have. So I hope as you read this message you feel that we have done a good job raising you and loving you. Ensley you have brought a joy to my life that I have only felt one other time and that was when I married your mommy. I look forward to the adventures we will have this next year as you move to being 2 years old. You are my “Mini Me,” you are my heart, you’re my soul. I love you and as the song said when you were born I could not ask for more. Love Daddy

Saturday, May 4, 2013

1st Birthday Party

Your 1st Birthday!

Dear Ensley,

This is it! The BIG ONE! :) It was an amazing party and you were the perfect birthday girl.

The invitation!
We used one of my favorite pictures of all time taken when you were 6 months old.

My beautiful "sad clown."
I just love your features in this picture and the fact that you hate that I made your hand messs by shoving it in the cake. :)
 Your Professional Pictures with Liz:

I wanted to have pictures done for your birthday party to hang over the sink as decoration, so the week before, Liz came and took some pictures of you. I had been on Pinterest and found a bunch of samples of what I wanted your pictures to be. Unfortunately, you were NOT in the mood for the majority of the pictures. Perhaps it was because you missed your nap, and right when the pictures began I was trying to straighten your hairbow and get you to leave it in and I poked you right in the eye. That is the picture of you crying with Daddy. From that point on, you wanted none of it. Liz is amazing though and managed to get several fabulous smiles from you and the pictures came out perfect! You are so beautiful and I was so excited about your fishy onesie and matching hat. I am so glad we were able to get some good pictures of you in both because I forgot to put your hat on for your actual birthday party!! I made your tutu the night before the pictures and was so happy with the result. :)

Poor Bubbas! I poked you in the eye and you cried and cried.
My happy girl! I love you clapping in this one!

The Decorations:
I have to be honest, this party was so stressful. I am so sad that I didn't get a chance to enjoy it a bit more, but there was just so much I wanted to get done, and Nana was visiting, I was working, you needed playtime and fun with me, and our house was a mess! I tried to organize everything and finish all my crafts well before the party, but I just didn't have enough time for everything I wanted to do. Your party was Fish themed (of course). I saw some great ideas on Pinterest and then tried to come up with some of my own. The color scheme was orange and blue and Mimi found perfect polka dot wrapping paper to use as table runners. I also bought Chinese lanters to hang over the sink and made the big orange one a fish by gluing on a tail and eyes. For the tables, I made pinwheels with fish and "E" and #1 cutouts with sand filled vases along with your flowers and pictures. The pinwheels took the most time because I had to fold each one and glue them by hand. They were one of my most favorite decorations though!
Aren't they CUTE?
I also made your little cake with the waves and fish cutouts. The #1 is just a regular, wax candle that I glittered and jeweled. I made the cake twice, once for your pictures and once for your party. There were cupcakes at the party and no one even ended up eating any of your cute, little cake!

The tables were so cute when they were all set up, but before the end of the party we had to take everything off because of the crazy wind!

The desert table was the real centerpiece. I made orange and blue chocolate dipped pretzels, cupcakes, and Mimi made adorable fish cookies that were a HUGE hit. There were also chocolate dipped marshmellows rolled in graham crackers with a fish and little pearl sprinkles that looked like bubbles. It was supposed to look like a little sea bed. They were just too cute. The deserts sat under your beautiful pictures and hanging lanterns. You really liked to look at all the bright, hanging decorations.

Our sign for the party was a little wodden circle that Daddy painted orange and I glued on a tail and eye to make a fish. There were blue polka dot balloons and a small sign at the bottom that said, "She's a Keeper!" When people walked in they saw the entrance sign that said, "Ensley's One" on the pinwheels with your pictures. I cut out and glittered the letters of your name, and Daddy spray painted the orange frames with your pictures inside. I love that you held the letters to spell out ONE. I can't take credit for the idea though, it was another Pinterest steal. The other picture is your month by month wall. I picked one of my favorite pictures of you from each month and clipped them to ribbon with clothes pins that have the number of the month on them.

Once the party started, it was so much fun! You were THE BEST baby all day! You wore your tutu and bow like such a good girl. You loved the fish and #1 on your onsie and would look at it carefully and trace it with your finger. It was adorable. When guests finally arrived, you would toddle over to the door to greet people as they came in, smile, laugh, play! I seriously could not have asked for a better display of your fun, vivacious, lively, hilarious little personality. You were in love with the fact that all these people were at our house, and I really do think you knew it was all for you. You loved being the center of attention and were perfectly behaved all day. Even when you were ready for a nap toward the end of the party, you got a little fussy so I put you down and you slept right through everyone still being there. You clapped after people sang "Happy Birthday" and you even tried some of your cupcake. You were so dainty and cute doing it. You didn't want to get messy at all. Most of the people at the party were adults, but there were a few kids. The only babies your age were baby Dale and Joaquin Vasquez. You tried to play with Dale a little, but he couldn't walk yet and you were everywhere. The present you were the most excited about was the first one you got: your little pink bike from Jen Williamson and Porter. You squealed and clapped and got right on it. Since you couldn't reach the pedals (or pedal for that matter), we just kind of pushed you around on it. You LOVED it and still do. (We store it in the garage so you don't see it and want to ride it all the time. It's killer on Mommy and Daddy's backs.) I was so busy throughout the party I didn't get a chance to take many pictures at all! The few I have of you are from before everyone arrived. All in all, it was a wonderful day and I should have enjoyed the planning more instead of being so stressed because you were perfect and had an absolute blast.

Your special birthday outfit! The only thing missing is the tutu which you LOVED wearing!

Love your bike!!
Silly Uncle James y Pie posing with his present for you. He and Vanessa bought you a "Zaney Zoo" and they wrapped the package without any tape. Hehehe.
Your loot! Look at all this stuff! You were one spoiled girl.
I honestly can't believe you are a year old already. I feel like time has just flown by. You have changed so much over the last year, and when I think back, I feel like every stage (after 2 months) was my very favorite, but I think because YOU are my favorite, whatever stage you are in becomes my favorite. You are the most amazing, fun, wonderful little girl. You constantly amaze me, teach me, and open new places in my heart I didn't know existed. You keep me on my toes, tucker me out, and make me laugh. Thank you for all you have done for me in the last year. Happy Birthday my big girl!!
I love you so much.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Watch You Grow! Month 10

Dear Ensley,

You're 10 months old, and I can't believe how quickly it has happened. We are starting to get ready for your birthday party, which is only two months away! I can't believe you are already going to be a year old.

Your firsts:
Weekend without mommy and daddy: (2/9/13) Daddy and I went to Las Vegas to celebrate our friend, Chris's 40th birthday. I was sick about leaving you and almost cancelled like 50 times. In fact, I didn't even book our room until 10 p.m. the night before we were supposed to leave. The picture on the left was Daddy and I playing with you before Mimi came over to watch you. I was crying because I could not bear the thought of not putting you to bed and waking up to your happy little face. The picture on the right is of me and Daddy on the monorail that we sent so you could see us. I missed you so much, and so did Daddy. We Skyped with you, but you were so little you didn't really get that you had to look at us, so we kind of watched you crawl away from the camera most of the time. We even left hours earlier than we had planned to because we wanted to see you so badly.

Getting your taxes done: (2/12/13) I just love this picture because it really looks like Debbie is talking to you about your taxes. I had to include it because it was a crack up. You were such a good girl and got us a pretty good write off. Cha-ching! $

Valentine's Day: (2/14/13) Stepheny Mello bought you this adorable little outfit for Valentine's Day. You HATED your headband though and kept crying because I was putting it on to take pictures for Facebook. The first picture of you smiling is the only one I got without you pulling the headband off or crying because I was trying to stop you from pulling it off. Poor little thing. Porter was your first ever Valentine, and Aunt Jen and I joke that someday it will be adorable at your wedding. Lol!

Your first Valentine, Porter Williamson. 
Pulling yourself up and walking with support: You started doing this so much more this month and nearly scared me half to death. You would pull up on anything and everything you could in order to try to walk around. You were getting to be very mobile, but our house was completely tiled. Every time you would fall or slip or lose your hold on something (which was ALL the time), you would crack your head on the tile and cry and cry. It was so sad. So, needless to say, we rarely ever left you alone this month. We all made sure to constantly have you within arms reach because you would tumble so often. We caught you most of the time, but sometimes you were so fast we couldn't grab you in time. You would cry, but after just a few minutes, there you were again, pulling up and pushing your toy box around so you could walk. You were always so proud of yourself. My little independent soul right from the start. 

You pulling up and standing in your crib. 
Temper tantrums: Oh goodness gracious, did you learn how to throw a fit this month. You finally learned that you could get mad about me taking something away from you. That was what made you the most upset. I have a video of me taking a marker away from you because you were shoving it in your mouth and I was afraid you were going to fall and shove it down your throat, and you absolutely lose it. You cry and get so mad at me. It's so sad because you don't understand why I'm doing it, but I had to get it on tape so you could see your little meltdowns. You started throwing little fits pretty regularly this month, and again, I could see your strong and independent little personality surfacing already.
Mad at Mommy for something.
Clapping: Everyday when I would come home, you would be watching "Ellen" with Diana. You LOVED to listen to the music at the end and clap along with the people. You clapped before this, but mostly by accident or very rarely. This month, you did it on purpose to celebrate something you liked. It was so cute to watch your little, pudgy hands clapping together. You would be so surprised when you did it right! :)

Funny Voice: This was the first month that you found out you could be silly and make someone laugh. You would do this little thing we called "monster voice" which was you like grumbling and doing raspy babble. It was a crack up. We would say, "Ensley, do your monster voice", and you would happily oblige. I don't know if I ever got it on tape, but I hope so!

Some of our favorite pictures of you:

Lunch with Grandpa at Buffalo Wild Wings. Look at that fish outfit!

Love this silly face!
Learning to play with your food.
You liked many of the same things this month (Lovey, nap time, your walker) and so many new things (pulling up to push things, clapping, funny voices). It is such a blessing to watch you become the person you are. I pray often that God will give me the wisdom to raise you in a way that strengthens your independent spirit and drive without creating stubbornness. I love the strong qualities that I see in you, and I am so proud to see your personality take shape. You are starting to test the boundaries and find out who you are, and I am doing my best to help you work through little bouts of frustration and sadness. Lots of learning this month for both of us. I love you, my strong girl. I'm so proud of everything you are.
